Later updates Aaron update 117
The NICU Experience
Later Updates
Subject: Aaron update 117
Date: Saturday, May 3, 2003 10:51 AM
From: Kevin Quick
To: Aaron Update List

We visited the pulmonologist (lung doctor) in San Francisco yesterday.

Aaron’s lungs seem to be doing very well. They “sounded good” with the stethoscope, and Aaron’s blood oxygenation, after being off the oxygen for an hour or so, was at 99%, which is excellent.

We got the OK to keep Aaron off the oxygen during the day; he’ll only be on oxygen at night now. In another month, we’ll visit the pulmonologist again, and if all is going well, Aaron may go off the oxygen completely at that time. We’re jazzed!

Our weakest point now is on weight gain. Aaron did gain 9 ounces since his visit 19 days ago (he’s now at 7 lbs, 14 oz.), but he should be gaining weight a little more rapidly than he is. The doctor would like to see 20 to 30 grams of weight gain per day. Apparently, preemies with lung damage like Aaron’s need more calories than full-term babies, because they expend more energy breathing than do full-term babies. And, Aaron is getting fewer calories now than even a normal full-term baby. So, our main project now is to have Aaron eat about 30% more than he has been, through larger and more frequent feedings.

Other than needing to work on a little more weight gain, things are sailing along very nicely. Aaron is responding to Kathleen and me more and more every day. This morning, he was definitely smiling in response to our playing with him, and he even gave Kathleen a little giggle, we think.

Here’s a picture that I took this morning, while Kathleen was playing with Aaron.

Have a good weekend!

Love, Kevin, Kathleen & Aaron