Later updates | Aaron update 138 |
Subject: Aaron update 138 Date: Friday, January 30, 2004 11:14 AM From: Kevin Quick To: Aaron Update List Three weeks have gone by, so I thought I'd bring you up to date before we get thoroughly wrapped up in baby #2's arrival. We weighed Aaron again this morning. He's still at 12.25 pounds, for the 9th week in a row. So, at this point anyway, our hopes that Reglan might be our miracle cure have lessened somewhat. Aaron is eating a little bit more, but he still isn't quite up to a consistent 120 calories per kg of body weight per day. He's still throwing up about once per day, possibly because he's just so stuffed all the time. Kathleen has been getting every calorie that she possibly can into him, primarily via rice cereal, baby food and Pediasure. Personality-wise, Aaron has taken a little bit of a dive, probably as a side effect of the Reglan. He's been unusually cranky and needy for the past two or three weeks. The GI nurse practitioner in San Francisco said that Reglan's side effects will reverse themselves once Aaron's off the Reglan, so we're looking forward to that. And even now, Aaron does still have his good moments, and we treasure these. He came with us to our weekly birthing class last night, and he was just a charmer as the instructor held Aaron as she taught, and as we toured the birthing center. So, how much longer can we go with zero weight gain? We don't know. Our plan is to keep on our current track until baby #2 arrives. Then, after things have stabilized with our new family member a little bit, we'll visit the doctors in San Francisco again. We'll give the Reglan another month or so to do its thing, then we'll make the trip to San Francisco. In the meantime, we're looking forward to concentrating on and enjoying baby #2's arrival. Aaron is "pulling up" now, and he loves walking, while we hold his hands. He has four teeth now; you can see them in the attached picture. We're now at week 39 with baby #2. Our due date is next Wednesday, Feb. 4; only 5 days away! We had our weekly prenatal visit yesterday, and everything looks fine. In fact, the doctor said that from this point on, the earlier we can have the baby, the better, because the baby is already pretty good-sized, and it's only going to get bigger the longer it stays in. Kathleen feels as though she's ready to pop! She thinks it should be any day now. I plan on bringing my camera and computer to baby #2's delivery, so I can e-mail those on our Baby #2 Update List with the good news of baby's arrival. If you're not on that list, but would like to be, please let me know. Otherwise, you can be sure that you'll get an update on baby #2 via Aaron's next update. Thanks for your continued kind and uplifting thoughts and prayers through these adventures! We'll keep you posted. Love, Kevin, Kathleen, Aaron & Baby #2 |
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