Later updates Aaron update 124
The NICU Experience
Later Updates
Subject: Aaron update 124
Date: Thursday, August 14, 2003 4:14 PM
From: Kevin Quick
To: Aaron Update List

We survived our 10-day trip to Anaheim. Actually, Aaron was very good for the whole trip, including the 10-hour drives to and from Anaheim. During the machinery show (we were exhibiting our machinery at the show), Aaron’s grandma (Kathleen’s mom) and great aunt (Kathleen’s aunt) stayed at our hotel and took care of Aaron. They both live in southern CA, so it wasn’t TOO much of an inconvenience for them. They very much enjoyed being with Aaron for several days.

Aaron’s now turning over from front to back and back to front. He’s very energetic, and we’re sure he’s going to be scooting around and getting into everything very soon.

I finally found my digital scale that I used to use to weigh UPS packages, so we can now weigh Aaron here at home. He’s 11.5 pounds.

Next Wednesday, we’ll begin a 3-day trip to San Francisco for some major check-ups for Aaron. Thursday morning, we’ll have a meeting with several specialists: a pulmonologist, a nutritionist, a physical therapist and a social worker. They’ll evaluate Aaron to see how he’s doing in general. Thursday afternoon, we’ll be seeing Dr. Good, the eye doctor, to make sure Aaron’s ROP is still under control. Then, Friday morning, Aaron will have a major lung evaluation done at the hospital. This test involves sedating Aaron, which we’re just just a tad nervous about, so we’d appreciate your prayers that all goes well.

Aaron continues to be a little bundle of joy, greeting us with smiles and giggles every morning, and sleeping all night every night. He’s doing well at eating solid food (mostly rice cereal, with some vegetables once in a while). He’s now mostly on formula (along with the solid food); we’re giving Kathleen a bit of a break on the breast pumping.

The cat’s pretty well out of the bag now anyway, so we might as well make the announcement official... We’re expecting a little brother or sister for Aaron in February! We’re at week 14 now (Aaron was born at week 24), and so far, everything is going well. Kathleen has been quite fatigued and nauseous lately, but other than that, everything seems to be fine. At our request, our local obstetrician will be consulting with Dr. Katz in San Francisco, to discuss whether we might want to try the recently-introduced “17P” synthetic progesterone this time around, to help keep the preterm contractions at bay. At any rate, please pray with us for the “big belly” this time! We look forward to sending out a short, sweet announcement next February that we have brand new 8 or 9 pound, full-term baby! We’re looking forward to this adventure, too, as months 6 to 9 of this pregnancy will be new territory for us.

We hope you’re enjoying the summer, and have a good weekend.

Love, Kevin, Kathleen & Aaron